Noilex cooperates with other Lithuanian law firms and has partners abroad in Latvia, Estonia, Poland. We also provide legal aid and consultation to clients, whose cases are heard in Germany, France, Great Britain, Norway, Spain.
Administravite law
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) successfully represent the interests of clients in administrative cases with public authorities concerning the annulment of unlawful decisions, wrongful dismissal from the civil service and the application of legislation.
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) also defend the interests of clients in administrative offence cases where individuals are unduly prosecuted or the fine imposed is disproportionate to the offense committed. Each situation is individual, so legal services are provided on a case-by-case basis.
Criminal Law
Bendrijos advokatai (advokatų padėjėjai) gina klientų interesus ikiteisminio tyrimo metu ir atstovaujant baudžiamosiose bylose teismuose. Bendrijos specializacija yra finansiniai nusikaltimai (sukčiavimas, parašų ir dokumentų klastojimas, apgaulinga ir aplaidi buhalterinė apskaita, turto išvaistymas ir turto pasisavinimas, neteisingų duomenų pateikimas mokesčių administratoriui ir kt.), bylos dėl kūno sužalojimų, bylos dėl smurto artimoje aplinkoje, bylos susijusios su Kelių eismo taisyklių pažeidimu ir kt.
Civil law
Civil law is the law that governs our lives. Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) represent the interests of clients in negotiations, pre-trial and civil disputes in courts of all instances. We prepare procedural documents in foreign languages (English, Russian, Polish).
We also provide services for the recognition and enforcement of foreign courts or commercial arbitration decisions in Lithuania. We represent in resolving disputes in commercial arbitrations. We represent clients' interests in enforcement cases, debt collection.
Labour law
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) represent clients' interests in negotiations with employers and employees in employment disputes in labor disputes commissions and courts.
Konsultuojame klientus dėl įdarbinimo, atleidimo, perkėlimo į kitą darbo vietą. Rengiame darbo sutartis, vidaus darbo tvarkos taisykles, materialinės atsakomybės, konfidencialumo ir kitas sutartis.
Commercial and contract law
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) carry out the preparation, review, legal analysis of various contracts or their individual terms, provide legal advice and represent the interests of clients during the conclusion, performance and breach of contracts. We advise Lithuanian and international companies on all data protection and privacy issues.
The law firm advises on the formation of companies, conducts legal risk assessments and legal audits, advises company executives and shareholders on various legal issues, provides company management services and insights into daily business practices and shareholders' meetings.
We prepare not only documents that meet the needs of customers, but also contracts, agreements, protocols. We prepare documents in foreign languages (English, Russian, Polish). If it is necessary to prepare a document in a foreign language in which we are not able to prepare such documents, we cooperate with translation agencies, which provide our clients with solid discounts.
Tax law and tax disputes
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) successfully represent the interests of clients in tax control actions, tax investigations, operational inspections and tax inspections, represent in tax disputes with the tax administrator, in the Tax Disputes Commission and administrative courts.
In order to resolve the dispute amicably, we successfully negotiate when there are legal grounds for concluding agreements with the tax administrator on the amount of the tax.
Migration and representation of foreigners
The law firm provides legal services and represents the interests of foreigners in obtaining and changing a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania, obtaining national (D) visas in the Republic of Lithuania. We represent the interests of clients in court after the Lithuanian authorities annul a temporary residence permit.
Bankruptcy of individuals
Our attorneys (and associate-attorneys) successfully prepare and submit to the court applications for the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings for individual person. Law firm represents clients in court and can nominate a bankruptcy administrator for individual person.
Family and inheritance legal relations
Our lawyers advise on the property and non-property rights of spouses, divorce, maintenance between children and spouses, determination of the residence of children, determination of the procedure for communication with children, inheritance and other matters.
Rengiame susitarimus dėl santuokos nutraukimo abiejų sutuoktinių bendru sutarimu bei atstovaujame klientų interesus nagrinėjant santuokos nutraukimo bylas teismuose.